Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Employee Training and Development

Question: Write an essay on Empoyee Training and Development. Answer: Introduction: Employees are increasingly being considered as the asset of organizations. The objectivity of training and development and its continued learning process has become a trend of social needs, which enforced organizations to enhance the capacity of employees. The systematic training and development programs accelerate the potential performance of employees within the workplace. In this study, the researcher has emphasized how to develop a quality-training program for employees for maintaining the sustainability and competitiveness. The chosen organization for this study is Salesforce, located in Indianapolis. The selected organization has realized the importance of having effective training programs within their workplace and here it will develop the five integrated steps for enhancing the competitiveness of employees and accelerate the growth of the organization. Discussion: The training program design and capabilities are co-related. Program design suggests the coordination of training program. On the other hand, training capabilities suggest the learning outcome of the training. Through the engagement of designing proper training schedule, Salesforce would enhance the training capabilities in an appropriate manner. The training program design can be executed by following three phases such as pre-training, learning event, and post-training program (Cormier Hagman, 2014). For implementing an effective training program, managers of Salesforce need to follow five steps considering the systematic approach. Training initiatives often fail to accomplish training development goals as well as reaching participant expectations. Therefore, it is justified to develop program procedures for maintaining employee effectiveness and capabilities. In the 1st step, Recognition of training requirements is needed to be accomplished. The management of Salesforce needs to i dentify the organizational need before initiating any training development program. In that case, the organizational strategic, human resources need to be assessed and incorporate in the individual development plans. It suggests that training programs need to be started off from scratch. In the 2nd step, the management needs to identify the organizational training objectives (Knowles Holton Swanson, 2014). The gap between current training initiatives and skill sets of employees needs to be assessed. The identified gaps should be evaluated and prioritized their importance so that training members can identify organizational training objectives. Therefore, the present and desired performance shall be examined which will help to identify loopholes and the sensitive part of the organization. Finally, the upper management proceeds to the next step that establishes employee training action plan (Segers Gegenfurtner, 2013). The managers of Salesforce stressing on content, materials, inst ructional design and learning theories would develop the comprehensive action plan. In this context, the management of Salesforce needs to incorporate participants learning styles. Business case development: The business case is developed to collect management commitment and approval to invest in business change programs and projects in an effective manner. Through following some steps, the business case can be developed. Firstly, identification of projects risk is important. The upper management needs to evaluate the key issues in the business. The management must analysis the business cost and benefits in an effective manner so that it could facilitate them in expanding their market (Taylor Cranton, 2012). In this context, Salesforce requires to develop their training module to enhance their employees workability so that they could able to beat their rivals such as Zendesk, Freshdesk, etc. Moreover; they need to consider the range of funding option for the enhancement of business in short span of time. For concentrating on the market, Salesforce requires making the necessary improvements in their training and development strategies, by focusing on the planning, designing, implementati on and evaluation of the training programs (Segers Gegenfurtner, 2013). The prime focus of the business is to provide low cost service to the customers in the society. Hence, the organization needs to enhance the employees skills and knowledge in order to provide rapid service to the customers. Among three phases of training programs such as pre-training, learning event and post-training program, I would recommend to select the learning event in order to enhance the employees skills. Learning event consists of several steps such as preparation of instruction and physical environment to facilitate in enhancing knowledge (Cormier Hagman, 2014). Moreover, it allows them to transfer the training in an effective manner. In the learning event, the employees of the organization could be able to identify the key issues of business. Cost-benefit analysis: Salesforce provides the training to the employees in order to enhance the knowledge. The organization needs to spend cost for executing the training. Therefore, they must expect the return. In this context, if Salesforce would provide the effective learning session to the employees, they could enhance the entire workability at the workplace. Hence, the benefit comes as an enhancement of productivity. Therefore, the organization would be able left behind the rivals in the market. Conclusion: It can be concluded that the training development process plays a vital role to enhance employees working skills. Through the engagement of providing enhanced learning session, Salesforce would increase the knowledge of employees that can facilitate the organization in enhancing the productivity in the business. References: Cormier, S. M., Hagman, J. D. (Eds.). (2014).Transfer of learning: Contemporary research and applications. Academic Press. Knowles, M. S., Holton III, E. F., Swanson, R. A. (2014).The adult learner: The definitive classic in adult education and human resource development. Routledge. Segers, M., Gegenfurtner, A. (2013). Transfer of training: New conceptualizations through integrated research perspectives.Educational Research Review, (8), 1-4. Taylor, E. W., Cranton, P. (2012).The handbook of transformative learning: Theory, research, and practice. John Wiley Sons.

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